The Noisemakers
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Welcome to the journals of The Noisemakers. These journal entries show the adventures of the Noisemakers as they do what they love best. If they only knew what that was, they would sound a lot a better.

01-10-2010 - PF Chang's 2010 ROCK 'N' ROLL ARIZONA MARATHON  

For the 6th time, The Noisemakers made their annual appearance at the marathon and it was great rocking out the runners again~!

01-11-2009 - PF Chang's 2009 ROCK 'N' ROLL ARIZONA MARATHON  

The Noisemakers made their annual appearance at the marathon. It was early and cold, but wee prevailed and had a blast.


01-13-2008 - PF Chang's 2008 ROCK 'N' ROLL ARIZONA MARATHON  

The Noisemakers were all on hand by 6:30 a.m. to setup for the half-marathon. This was our 4th time playing at this event. The band played at the same location at 12th St. and McDowell at "stage 5". Ladmo the same sound engineer was there and we all rocked the runners. It was a another great time, but just so early in the freaking morning~!

 Click here to see photos from this event. 

Click here to see us on the AZ Central Channel 12 News

01-14-2007 - PF Chang's 2007 ROCK 'N' ROLL ARIZONA MARATHON  

The Noisemakers were all on hand by 6:30 a.m. to setup for the half-marathon. The band played at 12th St. and McDowell at "stage 5" and it was freaking cold~! But we all had a great time and were motivated by all the runners participating in this great event.

12-02-2006 - Beenau Sun City Holiday Party

On Sat. Dec. 2, 2006, the band played the "Beenau" holiday party blow-out. The Noisemakers were the head-lining act, following a magician and Hawaiian musical revue (strange - but true). The band then followed a Fire-dancer, and opened up with "Get Ready". Soon the Noisemakers, being no stranger to varied venues, found themselves rocking Sun City, Arizona. Despite the cool December weather, and tons of food calling them from the kitchen, the Boys cranked through their sets, generating good vibes & fun times along the way. About 75 people were on hand, and The Noisemakers played a little bit of everything. Sadly there was no appearance by The Law, as the band had hoped to get a picture for the website. Kind of like The Beatles getting escorted off the Abbey Road studio roof by the Police, oh well, maybe next year! The band went through their paces, and are getting honed for the upcoming Rock & Roll marathon. Rumor has it the boys are headed for rock & roll stardom (at least in their own minds). Stay tuned for their continuing adventures...
 Click here to see photos from this event. 

01-15-2006 - PF Chang's 2006 ROCK 'N' ROLL ARIZONA MARATHON  

The Noisemakers were all on hand by 6:30 a.m. to setup for the half-marathon. The band had a prime location at 7th St. and McDowell at "stage 4". The band warmed up with "Born to Be Wild", and launched into "Get Ready" as the first wheelchair and fastest runners went by. Soon the masses of runners were coming by, and The Noisemakers played classic rock tunes to keep them pumped up and running. Over 20,000 runners past by the band, many waving and cheering on the "band on the run". Marc "Riffman" Rubner lit up the stage with hot guitar leads. "The Origiinal" Steve Miller provided the solid basslines, and vocals on several classics like "Werewolves in London" and "Johnny B Goode". "T-Bone" Smith played the drums until his arms wouldn't work anymore. "J Lo" Lord on piano rocked & rolled and got the runners singing along on "What I like About You" and "Wild Thing". "Dr NO" Nolander provide the solid rhythm guitar and backing vocals. "Donny Wine" Weintraub layed out the main vocals and got the crowd running and kept 'em pumped up. Soundman "John" and Stage Manager Wendy took care of the band, and pulled off a smooth gig. We had great weather, and rumors of rain were put aside. The half & full marathons had over 60 bands altogether. In all over $6 million was raised -- the real winner of the races were the charities receiving the funds. Rock on! Click here to see photos from this event. 

Click here to see photos from The Noisemakers appearance in the 2004 Rock & Roll marathon, with drummer Mike Malanin from The Goo Goo Dolls on the drums. 

01-12-2006 - Scottsdale ArtWalk

The Valley's hottest party band lit up the corner of Marshall and Main Street in Scottsdale, for a high-powered Artwalk linked with the Rock & Roll marathon. A band of people watched and danced to the groove of The Noisemakers tunes, enjoying beautiful weather. One high-light was the arrival of the 1st CD by the band: Chimps That Smoke! Not wanting to disappoint the audience, the band launched into playing the title song -- Chimps That Smoke! Covers of classic rock songs were also played. A good time was had by all. The evening culminated with the band finishing "Leave Your Hat On" a bit early -- after the power went out. The Noisemakers were done but not out. The band called it a night and went to rest up for the Rock & Roll marathon gig the following Sunday. Click here to see photos from this event.

10-18-2005 - The Eagles Can Still Fly

Entry by the Wineman....:

Last night at Glendale Arena, The Eagles proved that after several
farewell concert tours they can still rock the house. They were in top
form; musically they were right on, and harmonies were rich except for a
few reaching notes from Glenn Frey & Joe Walsh.

Glenn played his guitar with extra fervor, and Don Henley was the strong
point man - as usual - followed by Timothy B. Schmidt, a middling bass
player who had to watch what everybody else was doing to follow
correctly, though his voice was as sweet as ever.

Crazy Uncle Joe Walsh is still the New Jersey maniac, donning a
construction helmet with a camera in it, and walking the stage with his
"helmet cam" to record the audience for viewing on the big screen. His
guitar work was hot, very hot, though the show was stolen by Stuart
Smith, guitarist extraordinaire, and the horn section (3 Saxes and a
trumpet) that was blazing hot.

During the encores it was questionable as to whether they would, without
Jason C. Lord present, attempt Desperado, however they did not
disappoint, making it the closing song of the show.

They played for 3 solid hours, and yep, they still got it.

09-03-2005 - Surprise 40th party for Riffman~!

Claude and The Noisemakers, minus Riffman of course, managed to pull off a surprise party at Fosters in Scottsdale. Everyone had a great time ripping through songs of the past. Marc received a gift of a book titled, "Dummies guide singing"..., so who knows, there may be some hope yet~! (Click to see some pics)

08-20-2005 - Happy 20th Anniversary to Dr. No and the Lovely Leslie

The Noisemakers enjoyed a night out with Dr. No and the Lovely Leslie as they celebrated their 20th wedding anniversary. Quite a feat in today's world. A big congrats you two~! (Click to see some pics)

Summer of 2005 - Various Private Functions

The Noisemakers had a slow summer with everyone keeping busy with moves, vacations, sports. Although no public venues were played at, The Noisemakers did enjoy some private functions including the Aztec School, Dr. Duane's big day, and the Claude's birthday to name a few. (Click to see some pics)

12-21-2004 - Loreto Bay Corporate Holiday Party

The Noisemakers rocked the Loreto Bay corporate holiday party at the Scottsdale Ranch Community Center on December 21st. A ready-to-party crew made the most of the opportunity, and it was a lot of fun for all.

"BeachClub Bob" joined the band on bass for a few numbers, and is seen in a photo of the band (click here to see photos). Donny W layed down some good blends for the Loreto Bay hometeam, and the crowd sang and danced away. The band responded to several audience requests, and also played some holiday classics including "Run Rudolph Run" by Chuck Berry.

The band had a great time with the top notch crew from the Loreto Bay company. The Noisemakers hope to make an appearance at Loreto Bay in Baja, Mexico in the not-too-distant future. Stay tuned for the continuing adventures of The Noisemakers....

Click here to see some pics of this event

11-20-2004 - Cactus Cantina at the Sunshine Hotel and Suites

The Noisemakers returned to the Cactus Cantina at the Sunshine Hotel on Saturday, November 20th. Local drummer extraordinaire Marc Romero filled in for the vacationing Trevor "T-Bone" Smith. Likewise, long-time favorite Retro Red Saylors stepped in on vocals for the absent Donny Weintraub. See photos of the night under our "pics and vids" section.

About a month had passed since The Noisemakers had last rocked the Cactus Cantina. The usual buzz filled the air as the band hit the stage. Soon the classic songs poured out, and the good mojo took over. Sounds from Motown, The Beatles, Chuck Berry, the Kinks, and many more got the crowd moving.

Retro Red fought off a sore throat to lay down a broad mix of vocals. Steve Miller crooned some of his standards, and even went solo per an audience request to play Dylan's "Tangled Up in Blue". J Lo sang several classics, including "What I like About You" and "Long Cool Woman". DR NO harmonized with Retro Red & Steve on "I've Just Seen a Face" and the Carl Perkins classic "Blue Suede Shoes". Even lead Guitarist Marc "Riffman" Rubner belted out a few songs, showing the versatility that is the hallmark of The Noisemakers.

After the first set there was a surprise gathering of the members of "Anthology", including Retro Red, Steve Miller, and an awesome vocalist, Monnie LaBrie. "Anthology" is known for it's mix of classic songs and smooth harmonies, and they wowed the crowd with a handful of crowd-pleaser songs. "Anthology" plays a number of venues in Phoenix, and it was a real treat to have them keep the groove going during the break.

The Noisemaker crowd turned out, including John Schultz and his entourage. Four Noisemaker spouses were at hand, along with a number of friends & family. Soon the night was over, but not without lots of good times and good vibes.

The Noisemakers are reviewing their schedules, and hope to make it back to the Cactus Cantina on a monthly basis going into 2005.

Click here to see some pics of this event

09-02-2004 - Cactus Cantina at the Sunshine Hotel and Suites

The Noisemakers got the Cactus Cantina groovin' after a 2 week hiatus. The wedding party next door had to pause while the Bride came over to hang out on the dance floor, mesmerized by The Noisemakers' good vibe.   "Gimme Some Lovin'", "Bang on the Drum", and "Mustang Sally" got the crowd moving. Local music phenom Marc Romero joined the band on the drums to open up set 3 with "Get Ready".  Romero then switched to playing some mean cowbell. Some ZZ Top songs brought in more people,  and soon there was quite a crowd. JLo introduced the Beatle classic "Birthday", for a special guest in the audience, and it rocked.  And how the band played on.

J. Schultz and crew rallied and came once again to see the band play. True to his word, he brought an entourage and local entertainer Tony Manola, who joined the band for an impromptu, but not-to-be-forgotten version of the Motown classic "My Girl".    The audience loved it!  The band then went back to classic rock, playing "Get Back" by the Beatles, and other 60s and 70s classics.  At the break "Just Steve" Miller played the Les Paul like the pro he is, while Tony M. belted out the classic "Summertime"...  great stuff...

At the end the band played classics including "American Band", "Born to Be Wild", and some Steve Ray Vaughan.   The music stopped at midnight, but the crowd stayed on to enjoy the lingering good vibe...

Click here to see some pics of this event

08-14-2004 - Cactus Cantina at the Sunshine Hotel and Suites

The Noisemakers made their downtown Phoenix debut at the Cactus Cantina at the Sunshine Hotel and Suites on Saturday, August 14.  The Noize Boyz rocked so hard, the lights dimmed several times.  Obviously, the recent power issues affecting the valley are of no concern to these guys.  A very energized crowd kept things grooving during this historic milestone for Phoenix as The Noisemakers welcomed back bassman extraordinaire "Just Steve" Miller from his brief hiatus.  Steve responded to the roaring reception by cranking out his thundering Killer Miller basslines and taking the vocal lead on Werewolves of London and Johnny B Goode.  All this while having to share a mic with Riffman. That can't be easy.   The Noisemakers also welcomed back to the stage Retro Red who has been busy solidifying his reputation as the Valley's Best Rock-n-Roll DJ.  It was good to feel the rhythms of his various percussion and hear him lead the way on Peace Love and Understanding, Centerfold and Pink Cadillac, among others.  Donnie Wine was in superb form, rocking the Wilson Picket, Grand Funk, Steppenwolf and Lynyrd Skynyrd classics.  Our very own J. Lo dominated the keyboards into submission and busted out the lead vocals on What I Like About You and Long Cool Woman.  Dr. Know was definitely making house calls on the Big Red Rhythm Guitar and harmonizing his size 13 shoes off (easy ladies!). The highlight of the evening may have been T-Bone's raucous drum solos during the surf set.  We're pretty sure some screws will need to be refastened in that building.  Someone call a carpenter - and I don't mean Karen!  Riffman was..., well, Riffman was... loud, rude and crude and that's why we love him.

Need more proof of how well it went?  The Noisemakers will be headlining at the Cactus Cantina every second Saturday beginning September 4.  Check the upcoming gigs section of this website for details.


Click here to see some pics of this event

06-05-2004 - Introducing RLo!

"I'm now officially a Noisemaker wife!!" So shouted Rachel Lord, immediately after exchanging vows with our very own Jason "J. Lo." Lord. "

I figured: since the real JLo got married this weekend, why shouldn't I?" quipped our J. Lo.

 Nah... Rachel and Jason have been an item for more than two years, rekindling their acquaintance formed at Saguaro high school in Scottsdale. They tied the knot on Saturday, June 5 at Christ Church - Lutheran in Phoenix followed by a rocking reception at the Landmark Restaurant, hosted by none other than Retro Red's Music to Go Go.

Retro spun his usual first class mix of dance classics keeping the 100+ guests rocking till the wee hours. In attendance were Steve and Cheryl Miller, Diane and Craig Saylors, Don and Marsha Weintraub and Marc and Claudia Rubner. Marc and Claudia outlasted everyone, staying till the last disc was spun. A great time was had by all. Dr. and Mrs. No and T-Bone and Kelly were out of the country and couldn't attend, but wished the gushing couple good luck via live satellite (not really, but it sounds cool).

Good luck Jason and Rachel. We'll see you back in the studio after the honeymoon.

Click here to see some pics of this event, the wedding reception, not the honeymoon~!

05-2004 - And then there were 5...

Retro Red and Steve Miller have decided to take a hiatus from the Valley's Hottest Party Band to focus on their acoustic trio, Anthology, while Steve recovers from a wrist injury that has limited his ability to bang his big bad bass (aside from being a rock solid bassman, Steve is a GREAT acoustic 6-string picker). Retro Red will also continue to kick it with his DJ business, Retro Red's Music to Go-Go, and bring retro-joy to classic rock partiers all over the valley. Although you won't see them with the Noisemakers, please look out for Steve and RR with Anthology at the DUCK and DECANTER where they frequently play on Sunday afternoons.

05-08-2004 - Fundraiser for the Aztec Elementary School

The Noisemakers contributed their mighty sound to the fist ever Aztec Elementary School Silent Auction Fundraiser on Saturday, May 8, much to the delight of the 100 guests at the Starfire Grille at the Scottsdale Country Club.

The Noisemakers rocked with 2 party/dance focused sets that featured lots of 80s material ("What I Like About You, Should I Stay or Should I Go), Beatles (I Saw Her Standing There) and Stones (Honky Tonk Woman) classics. The band got things going by mixing in a few slow-dance tunes (Sea of Love, Dock of the Bay) to insure the dance floor got busy. Then we quickened the pace with Noisemakers standards.

Although we reached our scheduled end time, the crowd insisted we bust out some more tunes to keep the party going - and of course we obliged by taking requests for "That Thing You Do" and "Roadhouse Blues." We ended with a raucous "Rock This Town" and everyone went home happy.

To top it off, The Noisemakers donated their services for a future gig to the auction and the winner received 1 free hour of the Noisemakers as part of an upcoming 3-hour gig. We look forward to rocking the winner in the near future.


The Noisemakers rocked the First Annual PF Chang's Arizona Rock n Roll Marathon and 1/2 Marathon on Sunday, January 11, providing classic party rock-n-roll music to more than 29,000 runners who passed by our stage at mile 20. We shared the stage with Brethren Fast from Denver, Colorado, whose brand of "Hillbilly Funk" rocked the runners as well as hundreds of spectators and race officials near our stage.

By all accounts, the day was a tremendous success. The highlight for us was the appearance of Goo Goo Dolls drummer Mike Malinin, who joined us on stage for a raucous version of Brown Eyed Girl that sent the crowd into a frenzy. Mike jammed with us, then took off to continue his quest to run the marathon, stop and jam at all 26 stages along the route, and headline a concert for race participants that night at Tempe Beach Park. He did it all - without even breaking a sweat. That dude is SICK!!

It was obvious that The Noisemakers' unique groove was inspiring to runners as they approached the stage. Many acknowledged us by singing along, waving their arms and some even stopped to dance along.

Special props to Atlantis Audio and Light who did our sound and stage management. Great job by Britt and Ted.

Click here to see some pics of this event

12-13-2003 - Associated Ophthalmologists Holiday Party

The Noisemakers rocked Scottsdale, playing a private event.  The band enjoyed setting up on a well lit tennis court, and kept the crowd hopping with toe-tapping tunes.  The party host wowed the crowd by standing up with the band, and helping crank out a number of tunes.   He made the Fender Telecaster sing, and the crowd went wild.

As a special treat The Noisemakers spread some holiday cheer, playing rousers such as "All I Want for Christmas is You" and "Run Run Rudolph".   Retro Red continued the holiday magic during the breaks, by playing an awesome collection of Christmas tunes, including a number based on hit songs by The Beatles.  

Again The Noisemakers showed they were no stranger to "The Law" ...  this is the milestone of a successful Noisemaker party.

Click here to see some pics of this event

11-15-2003 - Second Annual Halo Run

The Noisemakers helped kick off the Second Annual Halo run benefiting the Children's Angel Foundation.  Good show for a 8 am performance in which hundreds of bikers participated. A very successful event~! 

Click here to see some pics of this event

11-13-2003 - American Express Phoenix Diversity Conference

The Noisemakers lite, using just four members, helped open the American Express Phoenix Diversity Conference. JLo did awesome covering both bass and keyboard parts. We also played during lunch time for our friends and coworkers. A great time for a fun, diverse event~!

10-19-2003 - Foothills H.O.G. Chapter 76 3rd Annual Stampede Poker Run.

In record breaking heat for this time of year, the Noisemakers played for the Foothills HOG Chapter 76 to help celebrate their 3rd Annual Stampede poker run. Despite the 104 degree heat, there were a lot of bikers that participated. With fans on high and cold water flowing, the Noisemakers pulled off some great tunes for the event. T-Bone used his new Pearl drum kit and J'Lo introduced his new Roland Amp for the keyboards. A long day, but well worth the fun.

Click here to see some pics of this event

09-05-2003 - Some Noisemakers attend Ringo's All Star Tour

From Dr. No:
Good show last night Noise. The best part was Ringo having such a good time up there. Doing his goofy dance, caring less about what people think, rocking at age 63 (?). Jetting in from LA at 6 pm (saw him on the news arriving at the airport), jamming with buds, looking fit. Wearing sexy jeans according to The Claud...

Highlights - Ringo's "I wanna be your man", "Don't Pass me by" (didn't know he could really play the piano at all), "Boys" and finally "With a little help from my friends" along with Alice Cooper. Loved the John Waite "Aint' Missin' YOu" song.... a favorite from the early 80s. "In the Living Years" by Paul Carrack was cool... didn't know he did that song. Sheila E was hoton the drums, but she's no Trevor! And how could you not love the 3 hits by Colin Hay from Men at Work... my favorites being "down under" and "who can it be now?" Colin rocked on the guitar. Usually Ringo has about 3 or 4 guitars going with the All Starrs, so that was a nice twist. As an added bonus, J Lo and I got laughs from the sax player who looked like Will Farrell on Sat. Nite Live -- even moved around like him...

And who could forget The Noisemaker dancers whooping it up in our row of seats. Leslie the FunMeister led the dance rally, with Cheryl, Rachel, and The Claud joining in to take over our section. By the end even the row behind was dancin' and screaming "We love you Ringo!!"

rock on Noise boys!

Click here for the website on Ringo's tour.

09-01-2003 - Copperwynd Resort and Club

All in all, a great gig. The crowd enjoyed it, with some dancing on the putting green for the dance floor. The people who seemed to have the most fun were those in the food line and the two brunette female staffers who were rocking out and singing along with almost every song we did. Definitely one of the most scenic resorts in the valley.

07-04-2003 - Fourth of July party

What better way to celebrate the fourth of July, then playing in the back yard of the Riffman's house in one of the hottest days of the year. Claudia put on a successful party, and we know it was a success, because the cops were there by 10PM. The Noisemakers are no strangers to the law. After moving the party indoors, Retro Red took as all back to the 50's and 60's. Party on Claude~!

Click here to see some pics of this event

05-24-2003 - Moore Wedding

The Noisemakers first wedding~! We were pumped. Retro Red used his expertise as a DJ and the Master of Ceremony to keep the night rolling smooth. The Noisemakers in turn kept the people dancing and having a great time.

Click here to see some pics of this event

05-09-2003 - Ocotillo Golf Club

The Ocotillo Golf Club~! Very nice resort. The Noisemakers entertained the members and even had some great audience participation on Mustang Sally, including a lady singing her heart out.

05-04-2003 - Famous Sam's

What can we say. We rocked the place~! The crowd was awesome and everyone was grooving. One of the few times we've seen a crowd stay past midnight.

01-12-2003 -  CopperWynd Resort Staff Christmas Party

Christmas Party in January?!? In the resort industry and December being so busy, that is the norm. We played at Sunridge Canyon Golf Club with some terrific views. The crowd was outstanding and we all had a blast.

01-04-2003 - City of Heroes Memorial Run" at Childress Automall.

This was the first cycle ride for 2003. This event raised funds for fallen Firemen and Police Officers and it was a huge success. The Noisemakers played from 8 to 10 in the morning which was a challenge in itself, but we pulled through and had a great time~!

Click here to see some pics of this event.

12-07-2002 - The Vine Tavern

The Vine was a great show. A little late getting started due to some games on TV, but in true Noisemaker fashion, we were able to set up quickly and put on a great show.

11-02-2002 - Halo Run for the Children's Angel Foundation at Schnepf Farms.

This was our first outdoor gig with a lot of obstacles to overcome. At the last moment the event was moved to a field with just a tent and a flatbed trailer for a stage. The first trailer that was too small, and so it was replaced with one too tall. There was a lot of dust and little sun cover. However, being true Noisemakers we made it work and did our part to entertain the people at the event.

Click here to see some pics of this event.

10-26-2002 - Channel 3's Good Morning Arizona.

The Noisemakers performed on Good Morning Arizona to promote the Children's Angel Foundation/Halo Run. Since no studio's were available we were going to play in the courtyard, but the rainy weather changed that to the studio lobby instead. This created some pressure to do our fastest set up yet. The folks at Channel 3 were exceptionally helpful and we had a lot of fun playing.

Click here to see some pics of this event.

08-17-2002 - Wigwam Resort

An brilliant performance. The Noisemakers played by the side of a huge pool called the dive in theater, because of the massive movie screen at one end of the pool. The guests and staff of the resort had a great time as we played through the sunset and into the night. We were able to play a few performances this summer and we all had a great time~!. A great pace to play~!

08-10-2002 - Famous Sam's

Another rocking night at Famous Sam's. People were dancing... Ok a person was dancing, but a lot of be-bopping heads in the audience~!  Still a great time~!

06-15-2002 - The Vine Tavern

A great time at a great location~! Some people from the crowd even joined in singing a few of the tunes~!

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Last updated: 10/29/2010
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